The Lucky Kind

The Lucky Kind
Slow Light
Jul 04, 2024
iTunes Spotify Bandcamp

The Lucky Kind

Didn't even know they had seasons
But when we got here the leaves were falling down.
Told my new buddy it all felt familiar
Same latitude as my home town
Saw some boys bringing the wheat in
Old Massey like the one behind the barn
Kicked the tires and gave em the thumbs up
Tried to tell em we didn't mean no harm

Told em we came here for their brother
The one we seen hiding behind the shed
Said he better come up with his hands up
Or else that boy would surely end up

Captain said he's mounting resistance
But to me he just seemed scared
I said Can't we just wait him out
For surely we did come well-prepared
But I pushed too hard when I pointed out the obvious
I said, Hey man, he's just a kid
Captain got bored and called in an airstrike
Stand back boys, he said, and we did

Later on I saw his t-shirt
Big blue letters said UNLV
Good thing he'll never make it to Vegas
Don't seem like he was the lucky kind to me

When that F-16 came screaming in
We all stood - even him.
Felt the truth of shock and awe.
Hypnotized... and then I saw
His oh crap moment

Might have know they had seasons
Might have known they'd fight back
Likes of us came up to your door, Dad
You'd run like hell for the gun rack
Don't see how you're any safer now
With that kid blown into the sky
The boys I saw bringing the wheat in
Sure as hell didn't wave goodbye

Turns out I'm the lucky kind though
One more thing I gotta tell
Your dead-end son got a promotion
If that don't make you feel safer nothing will

When that F-16 came screaming in
We all stood - even him.
Felt the truth of shock and awe.
Hypnotized... and then I saw
His oh crap moment